
We are an online video production service.  We take the images that are related to your website, business or book and create a simple inexpensive video.  Then we distribute your unique commercial to the most popular video sharing websites.

Running a business can be hard.  Promoting it can be even harder especially on the internet.  There are so many different things  to choose from and so many ways to do  it.  In fact, it can get really confusing and frustrating.  Video distribution is a popular trend that is taking internet marketing to a whole new level.  iVideo Productions can create a high quality video for you that will showcase the products and services that you are offering.

Why video submission?

The reason why video submission is so effective is because search engines like Google assign more emphasis to these videos.  For example whenever someone is searching for a product or service on the internet, your video could show up on the first page of Google. Also, if a link pointing to your website is on the video or under it, this can benefit you as well.  This is because the prospect can view what you are offering and this can lead to more sales. Video submission is an effective way to gaining a presence on the internet and search engines.

Key Features

  • We create a professional video for your products or services
    The Video Includes:
    -Your website, business or book name displayed in the video
    -Royalty free music and images
    -Special Effects
  • A detailed report of the video submission will be emailed to you
  • Payments by Paypal
  • We offer the best quality service at the best affordable rate

Satisfaction Guaranteed

*We will work on your commercial until you’re fully 100% Satisfied
*All videos created are unique.

Other Services That We Provide
Video taping meetings and events
Video photo montage
Real Estate Videos
Please call or email us for a quote.

Our Most Popular Package

Video Book Preview